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Kukaro & FRIEND DAY!

  • Millenium Dance Complex 2844 Logan Street Nashville, TN, 37211 United States (map)

Experience the healing power of music and community through freeform dance, expression and movement with DJ Kukaro & host Catherine Lundquist!

This will be our very second FRIEND DAY! We are really excited to meet all of your friends who have never been to Ecstatic Dance Nashville (or have never even heard of ecstatic dance at all)!

How does it work? Bring a friend who has NEVER been to an Ecstatic Dance Nashville event and you can BOTH get in for $36! You can buy “Buddy Tickets” in advance on our website or pay cash/Venmo at the door. Don’t stop at just one! Additional friends can be added on the website or at the door for $18 each.

**No matter how you pay, you must ALL check in together at the same time, even if arriving separately. See all details in the Event Details section below**

💃🏽 🕺🏽Get ready to groove with Ecstatic Dance Nashville at our bi-monthly Sunday dance at Millennium Dance Complex! Join us every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month for an invigorating dance experience in a stunning space featuring a top-notch dance floor and a phenomenal sound system designed to move and inspire.

🎆 Ecstatic Dance is a dance container that weaves world class live music and electronic beats, with an alive, immersive, freeform movement experience. It’s a chance to connect deeply with yourself and others through the magic of music and movement. Our welcoming, substance-free environment is perfect for all forms of expression and fosters a strong sense of community through shared experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned dancer or new to ecstatic dance, this is the place where you can truly let loose.

🎉 Everyone is welcome, rain or shine!


  • LOCATION: Millennium Dance Complex; 2844 Logan Street

  • EVENT TIME:  Check in is from 10:10-10:20. Please be seated in the dance space by 10:25 for our opening circle, which starts promptly at 10:30 AM. Event ends around 12:30.


    • Our normal entry fee for regular or past attendees is $23/person. Kids are free! Buy in advance on our website or pay $23 Cash/Venmo at the door.

    • If you would like to bring a friend who has NEVER been to EDN, you can buy a $36 “Buddy Ticket” in advance on our website or pay Cash/Venmo at the door, but **you must BOTH check in together at the same time, even if arriving separately**

    • We don’t want you to stop at one!! If you want to bring more friends who have never been to EDN, each additional friend will cost $18. You can purchase a +1 Buddy Ticket along with your $36 Buddy Ticket on our website or pay cash/Venmo at the door. Regardless of how you pay, **you must ALL check in together at the same time, even if arriving separately**

    • Two or more NEW attendees may also take advantage of this pricing, even if not arriving with someone they know.

🎈 Let’s make magic on the dance floor! See you there!


  • Be Clear: We are a sober event. Arrive clear in heart & body. The dance is the medicine.

  • Be Consensual: We value choice. Get a clear yes before involving others in your dance.

  • Be Present: No talking, cell phones, or videos/photos during the dance. Wild non-verbal sounds are always welcome! Kindly move all conversations—even small ones—to the lobby.

  • Be Inclusive: This is a safe space where all humans can come practice, pray, and play. Embody a universal perspective that is inclusive to all. All colors, ethnicities, sizes, ages, abilities, sexualities, genders, & religions are welcome.

  • Be Barefoot: No shoes in the dance space (unless you need them for medical reasons).

  • Be Tidy: Help keep the lobby and dance space organized and free of obstacles. Neatly deposit your shoes and jackets in the designated area of the lobby only and mindfully store small valuables and closed water bottles in the designated area in the dance hall only.

  • Be Punctual: We realize that mornings don’t always go as planned, but we kindly ask that you arrive between 10:10-10:20am to check in and get seated for our Opening Circle, which starts promptly at 10:30. To preserve our container, anyone not seated on time may be asked to wait in the lobby during our Opening Circle and Connection Exercises and enter the space when the DJ set has begun.

  • Be Attentive (of your Children): We love seeing children jumping, dancing, and exploring movement! Parents are responsible for their child(ren)’s safety as well as their whereabouts & noise level so as to not disrupt other dancers. Small children should be supervised at all times.

  • Be Accountable: We depend on every ticket sale to keep our non-profit going. Please ensure that you purchase a ticket each time you attend EDN. If you arrive late, please fill out the late arrival check in sheet and follow all printed late arrival instructions on the welcome table.


In order to provide a space most conducive to healing and full self expression, attendees may not take photos or videos during the dance and we ask that phones be left on silent and off your person. The only people taking photos and video will be a designated EDN staff/volunteer and the DJ. This is for marketing purposes in order to help build our community and show new people what Ecstatic Dance is all about. Photography and videography will be limited to the front half of dance floor closest to the DJ during Opening Circle and the first 15-20 minutes of the DJ set, allowing any attendees who wish to not be featured on camera to remain in the back half of the room for that duration.

March 2


April 6

DJ Adam From The Future